In 2018, The Nordic Council of Ministers decided to initiate work towards Nordic harmonisation of building regulations concerning climate emissions. Then in 2019, the Nordic Prime Ministers took it a step further by agreeing on making the Nordics the world’s most sustainable and integrated region before 2030. This was the beginning of Nordic Vision 2030
Based on this vision, the Nordic Ministers for Construction and Housing agreed on a declaration highlighting the importance of collaborating towards a sustainable Nordic construction and housing sector with circular economy and a minimised climate and environmental impact the same year. Therefore, they initiated the action plan “Nordic sustainable and competitive construction”, which is practically implemented through our programme – Nordic Sustainable Construction.
Since 2021, Nordic Sustainable Construction has worked to implement the Nordic Vision 2030 by supporting the Nordic countries in establishing the Nordics as a leading region in sustainable and competitive construction with minimised environmental and climate impact. In our work, dialogue, knowledge sharing, co-creation and an aligned Nordic path for sustainable construction are key elements, and we utilise workshops, research, regulatory work, capacity building and interaction with Nordic lawmakers and actors along the entire value chain of construction and housing to implement Vision 2030.
In September 2023, the Nordic Ministers of Housing and Construction were gathered in Iceland. Here they recommitted to a common Nordic effort on reducing climate impact from construction and housing through a new declaration.
Read the Nordic Ministerial Declaration on Low Carbon Construction here
We continue the work on Nordic harmonisation of building regulations and carry on the Nordic collaboration on sustainable construction. We believe in finding new and innovative Nordic solutions to sustainable construction and housing through generating and sharing knowledge across the Nordic regions and beyond.