Net-Zero Built Environment 2024

Around 300 Scientist Were Gathered in Oslo for the First Ever International Conference on Net-Zero Built Environment

Publiceret 21-06-2024

The conference Net-Zero Built Environment: Innovations, Materials, Structures and Management in Oslo took place this week. The aim was to create knowledge and inspire a new generation of engineers and researchers to minimise carbon footprints in the built environment. Nordic Sustainable Construction were honored to be invited as a keynote speaker to share what the Collaborative Efforts of Nordic Countries to Reduce Climate and Environmental Impact from construction.

Nordic Sustainable Construction presenting Our Vision 2030 at Net Zero

One of the things we can see from our common efforts is that the transition in the construction sector will have to move fast but surely to meet the upcoming regulatory demands e.g. decreasing limit values for how much CO2e one can emit per m2 per year. It was inspiring to hear from across the global about the developments within non-destructive test to be able to use existing structure and build with reused products. To hear about new methods to improve the uptake of design for disassemble, densification, design optimisation and the possibilities with new materials or new mixes of materials.

You can watch our slides which gives a fresh update of highlights in the collaboration here:

Download our presentation

Conference topics were:

Preparation Processes for Zero (or Negative) Carbon Footprint

  • Development of low-carbon and carbon-neutral construction materials.
  • Exploration of sustainable alternatives to traditional cement-based materials.
  • Innovations in material production techniques with minimal environmental impact.
  • Integration of renewable and recycled materials in construction processes.
  • Application of innovative materials in construction projects.

Robotic Construction Technologies for Minimum Formwork and On-site Activities

Scenarios for Reuse presentation
  • Adoption of robotics and automation in construction processes for increased efficiency.
  • Exploration of robotic fabrication techniques for sustainable and resource-efficient structures.
  • Integration of digital design and fabrication technologies in construction workflows.
  • Application of robotics for reducing waste, optimizing resource utilization, and improving construction safety.
  • Innovative technologies for low-emission construction sites, including electrification of construction machinery.

Novel Structural Design and Details for Optimal Performance with Least Material Usage

  • Development of lightweight and high-strength structural systems.
  • Optimization of structural designs for enhanced load-carrying capacity and energy efficiency.
  • Integration of advanced modeling and simulation techniques for structural performance evaluation.
  • Implementation of innovative construction methods to reduce material consumption and waste.

Advanced Condition Assessment and Health Monitoring Strategies for Longest Service Life

  • Deployment of advanced sensing technologies for structural health monitoring.
  • Development of predictive maintenance strategies based on real-time data analysis.
  • Integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in condition assessment.
  • Implementation of proactive measures to extend the service life of structures and minimize maintenance requirements.
Presentation on Comparison of new vs reused building products

Innovative Life-Cycle Analysis and Policy-Making Strategies for Effective Civil Infrastructure Management

  • Collaborative design and construction processes.
  • Life-cycle assessment and economic feasibility and cost.
  • Development of circular economy models for the construction industry.
  • Utilizing flexible design strategies to evolve net-zero standards, new technologies, or changing environmental conditions.

Thank you to the Chairs of of Net-Zero Future Conference Mahdi Kioumarsi and Behrouz Shafei for making it happen. And to the people around them and those who came to explore and contribute to the latest developments and practices that will shape the future of sustainable construction and pave the way toward a net-zero carbon future. Next conference will be in Cape Town in November 2025.

Read more about the conference and how you can contribute here