Article III from Sustainable Construction Materials and Architecture

Down to Earth

Publiceret 19-06-2024

Through 5 interviews with experts in and around the building sector we explore how we can actively shape a more resilient land use in planning, architecture and construction in the direction of sustainable practices and conduct.

Article III, WP3: SUSTAINORDIC – Sustainable Construction Materials and Architecture: Down to Earth

Underrepresented voice of land use

The ground we stand on is all we have. Throughout history, it has provided us with everything, as the foundation of civilization. In this article, we try to lay an ear to the ground, listening to the knowledge that grows from the soil that feeds us. Cultivable soil is a scarce resource, at the intersecting point of many interests. This article will focus on the underrepresented voice of land use in architecture and planning in the Nordic context.

“If we do not act now, I think we will have a much harder time to transform. We need to get our politicians to understand that either we engage in incremental adaptation, or we will have to deal with a transitional chock in the future.”
– Anders Larsson, researcher and teacher at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp

Five diverse perspectives

In this article SUSTAINORDIC have collected five voices from diverse backgrounds – researchers, policymakers and representatives from universities, and architects – each offering their view on the complexities of sustainable construction and pointing at paths forward while identifying the hurdles impeding the transition from unsustainable to more sustainable practices in construction and architecture:

  • Ulrika Stenkula, Architect, Partner and Marta Bohlmark, Architect, Partner, Gaia arkitektur, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Anders Larsson, Researcher and Teacher at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp, Sweden
  • Kristiina Lång, Research Professor, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
  • Thomas Hahn, Associate Professor, Principal Researcher, PHD, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Katrina Wiberg, Associate Professor, Cand.arch. MDL, PhD, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark

Read more and download the article "Down to Earth" here