front page Legislation and Policies to Pave the Way for Sustainable Architecture
Six views on the complexities of sustainable construction

Legislation and Policies to Pave the Way for Sustainable Architecture


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In six interviews, SUSTAINORDIC explore with capacities from within and around the building sector how we can actively, gear legislation to steer architecture and construction in the direction of sustainable practices and conduct. The report is part of work package 3 “Sustainable Construction Materials and Architecture”.

Human and planetary well-being

Legislation and policies have the final voice in shaping the trajectory of the construction industry towards sustainability. Traditionally, regulations have focused on safeguarding individuals through mandates ensuring fire safety, structural integrity, and the use of safe materials. However, in the face of the ongoing climate crisis and the wider environmental challenges we are facing today, there is a growing imperative to extend the protective umbrella of legislation to encompass planetary well-being.

In this article six of voices from diverse backgrounds — researchers, policymakers, and representatives from NGOs, universities, and architects – offer their view on the complexities of sustainable construction and pointing at paths forward while identifying the hurdles impeding the transition from unsustainable to sustainable practices in construction and architecture:

  • Kai Reaver, Head of Architecture & Chief Advisor Norges arkitektforbund / Norwegian Architecture Association (NAL)
  • Matti Kuittinen, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Aalto University
  • Harpa Birgisdottir, Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, City and Environment at Aalborg University, housing the BUILD research insti­tute (Danish Building Research Institute SBI)
  • Dani Hill-Hansen, Reduction Roadmap, sustainable design engineer at EFFEKT architects, team member of the Reduction Roadmap initiative.
  • Nel Jan Schipull, Architect MAA, Ph.d., partner at Vandkunsten Architects
  • Ruth Schagemann, President, Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE)

Read the full article Legislation and Policies to Pave the Way for Sustainable Architecture here