Front page report emission free construction sites knowledge gaps and research needs
New Report: Emission-free Construction Sites

Emission-free Construction Sites: Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs


This report advocates for research-backed decisions among stakeholders, highlighting the industry's need for extensive research, testing, and pilot projects to drive change.

New Research Needed on Emission-free Construction Sites

The report concludes that conventional solutions must be challenged, and new innovative solutions need to be developed and tested in real projects. Therefore, the report emphasises the urgency of identifying obstacles and solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during construction.

The report advocates for research backed decisions among stakeholders, highlighting the industry's need for extensive research, testing and pilot projects to drive change.

Key Points: Harmonisation, Data Collection and Energy Efficiency

Key points include the need to harmonise Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies across Nordic countries, improve data collection on transportation related emissions and waste, and optimise energy efficiency in construction processes.

The report also recognises challenges such as infrastructure limitations and costs associated with advancements like battery electrification and hydrogen technologies. Overall, the report underscores the importance of gathering emission data, fostering dialogue among stakeholders and harmonising regulations.

Read the report "Emission-free Construction Sites: Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs" here