Webinar: LCA Databases and Management of Data across the Nordics

Recording and presentation from webinar 'LCA Databases and Management of Data across the Nordics'


Watch the webinar 'LCA Databases and Management of Data across the Nordics' or flip through the presentation.
The webinar explains how a common Nordic understanding of the establishment and maintenance of LCA databases of buildings should be developed. You can also hear the current status of data availability, collection of LCA data and about which knowledge gaps still exist.

The recording and presentation of the webinar present the preliminary results of the project and what has been learned so far, followed by a discussion and Q&A. The Finnish Environment Institute elaborated on the initial guidelines for the data gathering and give an overview of availability and quality of typical data for different use stages.

See the presentation from the webinar 'LCA databases and management' here


  1. Short introduction of Nordic harmonisation of life cycle assessment -  Maria Tiainen/Finnish Ministry of the Environment

  2. Databases and management of data – Janne Pesu/Finnish Environment Institute
    • The project group and responsibilities
    • What is the project about?
      • Process for gathering typical data
      • New typical data (old buildings, biobased products and vegetation)
      • Enabling wide use and interoperability
    • Current status and preliminary results of the project
    • What to expect next?

  3. Discussion and questions