LCA calculation regarding

Reused Products


How easy it is to get permission to build with reused materials, depends on building codes and national regulations which is done differently from country to country across the Nordics. However, there is still an open window for more harmonised approaches for some modules of the LCA: The Nordic countries still use different methods, and they do not include the same LCA modules.

In the table underneath, you can get the full overview of the LCA modules, which are relevant for reused products and how they are calculated - or expected to be calculated - in the modules across the Nordic countries (schedule updated January 2024).

This table illustrates resemblances and differences in how the Nordic countries calculate CO2-emissions from reused products in the Life Cycle Assessment of buildings.
This table illustrates resemblances and differences in how the Nordic countries calculate CO2-emissions from reused products in the Life Cycle Assessment of buildings.