The Nordic Climate Forum for Construction is a yearly event for discussions with policymakers and stakeholders from the Nordic Construction industry.
Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2021 took place online and was hosted by the Icelandic Building Authority.
- 10:00 Welcome: Moderator Dr. Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Green Building Council Iceland
- 10:05 Opening words: Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Minister for Construction and Housing in Iceland
- 10:15 On time and water: Andri Snær Magnason, Writer
- 10:35 Oslo: How to reduce GHG emissions by 95% by 2030?: Heidi Sørensen, Director of Oslo’s Climate Agency
- 11:00 European Commission: Construction products regulation and Environmental product declarations: Tapani Mikkeli, Head of Sector, Sustainable Construction, European Commission, DG GROW
- 11:25 Status and current issues from Authority, Academia & Industry
- Status and current issues from academia: Jukka Heinonen, Professor in University of Iceland and Aalto University in Finland
- Status and current issues from authority: Kristina Einarsson, Boverket, Sweden and Luzie Rück, Bolig- og Planstyrelsen, Denmark
- Status and current issues from industry: Björt Ólafsdóttir, Real Estate Developer and former Minister of the Environment in Iceland
- 12:10 Implementation of limit values in the Netherlands: Jos Verlinden, Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations in the Netherlands
- 13:15 Limit values in the Nordic countries: Matti Kuittinen, Senior advisor at Ministry of the Environment in Finland
- 13:35 Introduction to roundtable discussions
- 13:45 Roundtable discussion: Limit values and Nordic harmonization
- 14:45 Conclusions and way forward