External Stakeholder Meeting

EPBD Recast – Whole Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas emissions of buildings


Tuesday, 22nd October 10.00 - 12.30 CEST.
Hosted by external, technical advisors this event is part of a study supporting the EU Commission in the implementation of key provisions of the EPBD recast related to buildings’ whole life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions, including the preparation of guidance on Article 7 (5) – roadmaps on life-cycle global warming potential (GWP) of buildings, and the delegated act setting out a Union framework for the national calculation of life-cycle GWP under Article 7 (3).

Tuesday, 22nd October 10.00 - 12.30 CEST

The purpose of the meeting is primarily to inform the ongoing work and considerations related to the guidance on the roadmaps and input to the development of the delegated act - not so much on different methodologies and their pro’s and con’s. The meeting will present the work on the methodology which follows Annex III, and is compatible with EN 15978 and Level(s).

The expert panel will be addressing questions from the participants, and through the registration form you have the opportunity to also ask your question before the event on the subject, share good practice examples or views in writing.

The slides will be shared on the project web page before the meeting (1-2 days in advance), and the meeting is recorded for internal use.

Sign up, agenda, and more info here