New European Bauhaus Festival

Hosting of event at New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels in June


Under the title ‘Frontiers of Circular Architecture - How can we use design and architecture to fight climate change and build a livable future?’, Nordic Sustainable Construction will host an event together with Laudes Foundation and four Nordic initiatives.
The focus of the event will be on sustainable construction and includes high-end speakers, debates and performances and takes place at the New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels in June.

New European Bauhaus Festival

Frontiers of Circular Architecture invites architects, urban designers, policymakers, influencers and gamechangers and interested citizens to discuss perspectives and conditions in the EU for driving the culture change that will nurture the needed shift towards sustainable and circular construction for a carbon-neutral welfare society.

On the 9th of June, the event will seek to uncover the question “How can we use design and architecture to fight climate change and build a livable future?”

Through inspiration from high-end speakers, panel debates, performances, and moderated dialogues, we will explore perspectives around the role of design and architecture in driving the shift towards the sustainable, circular, and livable construction of the future.

Meet Sinus Lynge, EFFEKT, Iines Karkulahti, VAPAA Collective, Maya Faerch, Laudes Foundation, Louise Kjellerup Roper, Volans, Daniel Zimmer, Climate-KIC, Torben Klitgaaard, BLOXHUB, Julia Okatz, SYSTEMIQ and Matti Kuittinen, Aalto University who will all bring perspectives on architecture, circularity and the green bio economy as drivers for sustainable change.

 The discussions will be supported aesthetically by modern dance as well as theatre performance - and of course the cocktail party will be framed by a mood-setting musical experience.

 We will end the event with the launch party for the Joint Nordic NEB Action - Nordic Building Blocks for the New European Bauhaus!

 The event is hosted in joint collaboration between the following five initiatives:

  1. Nordic building blocks for the New European Bauhaus, Joint Nordic NEB Action
  2. Nordic Networks for Circular Construction a Project of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
  3. Program for a digital built environment by the Green Building Council Finland
  4. LIFE for LCA, LCC, IAQ Level(s) The project is funded through the Life instrument and it is a collaboration between eight European GBCs (Finland, France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Netherlands, Ireland, Germany).
  5. Nordic Sustainable Construction

 We welcome everyone to take part in this discussion and celebration!


Sign up for the event here

Date, time and location

Date: June 9, 2022
Time: 13.00 – 18.00

Location: Maison de la Poste, Rue Picard 5/7, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
3rd floor rooms: Orangerie and Kitchen